KCA Values

KCA Values:

  1. Encourage, empower and support community participation
  2. Enable people to make their own choices
  3. Prioritize those with the highest level of need and vulnerabilities
  4. Respect and celebrate diversity and provide services that are inclusive and sensitive
  5. Deliver accessible, high quality services in caring, safe environments which create a sense of wellbeing
  6. Respond and be accountable to our community and funders
  7. Manage resources efficiently and effectively
  8. Value and respect staff and volunteers

Contact Information

Kenyan Canadian Association - KCA
Brampton | Toronto | Ottawa | Winnipeg | Calgary | Vancouver
Telephone: +1 888-448-6225
Email: info@kcacanada.org
Website: www.kcacanada.org 
           | @kcacanada

National Head Office:
226 Bathurst St, Unit 250
Toronto ON M5T 2R9
Brampton Office:
18 Regan Rd, Unit 28
Brampton ON L7A 1C2

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