Our Programs

KCA also focuses on implementing programs and specifically offering services to newcomers, low-income families, visible minorities and socially-excluded groups residing in Canada to improve their personal well-being and social-economic status.

Below are some of the marginalized groups in the community that KCA focuses on:

  • Immigrants, Refugees, and Migrants
  • Women and Girls
  • Seniors
  • Technologically challenged
  • People with mental health challenges
  • Children and Youth
  • People of Low Socio-Economic Status
  • Unemployed People
  • Black Community especially Continental Africans

KCA programs include:

  1. Women & Gender Affairs
  2. Health & Wellness
  3. Newcomers & Settlement 
  4. Sports & Recreation
  5. Social Economic Empowerment
  6. Children & Youth 
  7. Careers Education & Research
  8. Seniors Outreach


Contact Information

Kenyan Canadian Association - KCA
Brampton | Toronto | Ottawa | Winnipeg | Calgary | Vancouver
Telephone: +1 888-448-6225
Email: info@kcacanada.org
Website: www.kcacanada.org 
           | @kcacanada

National Head Office:
226 Bathurst St, Unit 250
Toronto ON M5T 2R9
Brampton Office:
18 Regan Rd, Unit 28
Brampton ON L7A 1C2

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