Micro-Grant Youth Workshop February 4, 2024

TORONTO, ONTARIO - February 5, 2024

Kenyan Canadian Associaton (KCA) in collaboration with Uzima Women Relief Group International held a Youth mentorship workshop and Black History Month celebration on February 3, 2024 in Scaborough, Ontario.

The event involved mentorship on Project Management as well as Mental Health and Wellness Information Session for 100 Micro-Grant Project Youth participants as they showcased their on-going project accomplishments. The Mentorship and Information workshop provided essential insights into project organization, mental health, and a special acknowledgment of Black History Month. Distinguished speakers imparted invaluable knowledge to the beneficiaries on leadership skills and effective project planning.

The Micro-Grant Youth project is funded by the Government of Canada through Canada Service Corps which supports a national movement to build a culture of service. The participants have already developed a budget plan and received funding up to a maximum of $5,000 per participant. The Project encourages youth between 15 and 30 years of age, to give back to their community through meaningful service, with unique opportunities to practice leadership, learn new skills, grow personal and professional networks as well as gain valuable life experience. The Youth Projects are required to focus on Reconciliation; Building an inclusive Canada; Preserving the environment; Promoting civic and democratic engagement and/or Strengthening youth resilience.

The Micro-Grant Project for the Youth has made significant strides as beneficiaries have gained practical knowledge and inspiration crucial for their project execution, showcasing their growth as emerging leaders.

As we continue our commitment to nurturing these talents, we anticipate hosting additional webinars and workshops in the coming days. These sessions will serve as a vital support system, equipping beneficiaries with the tools and expertise for successful project execution.

To view Micro-Grant project participants success stories please visit our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@kcacanada/videos

You can contact our Micro-Grant Project team at

Telephone: 888-448-6225
Email: microgrant@kcacanada.org 

Contact Information

Kenyan Canadian Association - KCA
Brampton | Toronto | Ottawa | Winnipeg | Calgary | Vancouver
Telephone: +1 888-448-6225
Email: info@kcacanada.org
Website: www.kcacanada.org 
           | @kcacanada

National Head Office:
226 Bathurst St, Unit 250
Toronto ON M5T 2R9
Brampton Office:
18 Regan Rd, Unit 28
Brampton ON L7A 1C2

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