Volunteer Opportunities

JULY 15, 2023


Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada has partnered with Kenyan Canadian Association (KCA) for VOICE for Women and Girls (VOICE) project international volunteer opportunities available to Kenyan Diaspora Community in Canada and those who have returned to Kenya from Canada. VOICE offers opportunities for Canadian citizens and permanent residents to apply their knowledge that results in real impact for the people in rural communities.

Make a difference in the lives of girls and women while advancing gender equality and women’s economic empowerment.

The VOICE for Women and Girls (VOICE) project, a partnership between the Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada and Global Affairs Canada, aims to strengthen the performance of developing country partner organizations to advance gender equality and economic empowerment of 50,000 women and men from marginalized communities. VOICE harnesses the knowledge, capacity, and expertise of skilled Canadian volunteers to assist developing country partners improve gender equality while implementing more sustainable, innovative, and inclusive initiatives for women.

Commitments range from six months to a year.

Available positions:

1. Environmental Advisor

2. Regulation and Compliance Advisor

3. IT Technician- Malawi

4. Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Advisor - Malawi

5. Marketing Advisor - Malawi

6. Gender Equality Advisor - Malawi

7. Financial Literacy and Recordkeeping Advisor - Malawi

8. Communication Advisor - Malawi

9. Co-operative Development Advisor - Malawi

10. Credit Union Marketing Advisor - Malawi

11. Regulation and Compliance Advisor - Kenya

12. Women Economic Empowerment Advisor - Kenya

13. Marketing Advisor - Kenya

14. Financial Literacy Advisor - Kenya

15. Technical Co-operative Development Advisor - Kenya

16. Credit Union Product and Service Development Advisor - Malawi

17. Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor - Kenya

18. Communication Advisor - Kenya

19. Co-operative Development Advisor (Environment Social and Governance) - Kenya

20. Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Advisor - Kenya

21. Financial Management Advisor - Kenya

22. Leadership and Governance Advisor - Kenya

For a complete list of opportunities, please consult the Volunteer Recruitment webpage. https://cdfcanada-coop.hiringplatform.ca/list/Volunteers


JULY 22, 2023

Kenyan Canadian Association - KCA, a federal not-for-profit incorporated in 2019 that implements programs that focus on the racialized and other marginalized groups is recruiting new Regional Chairs at the grassroot level to join our Council for the remaining three-year term upto July 31,2025. The term for a KCA Council member is 6 years.

We are seeking innovative, energetic, enthusiastic, self-starters, task-driven leaders who are team players committed to uphold KCA values and adhere to our code of conduct while executing their mandates as Regional Chairs.

Regional Chair positions are open for the following regions:
1. Quebec
2. Hamilton
3. Edmonton
4. Saskatchewan
5. Northern Territories
6. Prince Edward Island (PEI)

Regional Chair Position Summary:
The Regional Chair will report directly to the KCA President and will execute their mandate in coordination with the Head of Council. 

The Regional Chair will work closely with the KCA Secretariat and Program Directors and will oversee all KCA activities in their region.

Roles and Responsibilities:
  • Closely work with other Council members to formulate work plans then implement those transformative plans in their region
  • Act as the grassroot liaison for the program activities and projects in the region
  • Coordinate KCA events and projects in the region in collaboration with project teams and program committees.
  • Proactively represent KCA at official functions, events and meetings with municipal and provincial officials as well as political leaders and stakeholders in the region
  • Where applicable, organize flag-raising, commemoration and proclamation functions in collaboration with city protocol offices
  • Address regional administrative issues in a timely manner by working with the Secretariat and KCA Program teams
  • Facilitate good working relationship with municipalities, political & community leaders as well as other strategic partners in their region
  • Submit periodic reports to the Secretariat through the Head of Council & President – ad hoc, quarterly, half-year and annual
  • Undertake other Regional activities and initiatives in consultation with the President.
How to Apply: Fill the application form at www.kcacanada.org/councilapply
Closing Date: Thursday, December 31, 2023 at 11.59 PM PST (Vancouver Time)

1. Only Canadian residents are eligible to apply.  
2. The Council positions are voluntary.
3. By submitting this application, you commit to abide by KCA Values and Code of Conduct as stipulated on the website at www.kcacanada.org 
4. Please also send latest photo and resume to info@kcacanada.org

Contact Information

Kenyan Canadian Association - KCA
Brampton | Toronto | Ottawa | Winnipeg | Calgary | Vancouver
Telephone: +1 888-448-6225
Email: info@kcacanada.org
Website: www.kcacanada.org 
           | @kcacanada

National Head Office:
226 Bathurst St, Unit 250
Toronto ON M5T 2R9
Brampton Office:
18 Regan Rd, Unit 28
Brampton ON L7A 1C2

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