Program Committees


Every KCA program has a committee that consists of officials with diverse skills, expertise and experience. Most important of these officials is the drive, zeal and passion to make a change in the society. We also have committees that are meant to support the KCA Secretariat. We have both permanent and adhoc committees. The adhoc committees are usually for projects and events management. 


Newcomers & Settlement 

Women & Gender Affairs 

Social Economic Empowerment (SEE)

Seniors Outreach 

Sports & Recreation 

Santa Kids Joy Drive

Newcomers Fair Clothing Drive

Youth Outreach 

Careers, Education & Research (CER)

Health & Wellness 

Health & Wellness 

International Relief & Development (IRD)

Tourism, Trade & Investment (TTI)


KCA has three Secretariat Committees that aid in administrative functions of the organization.

Consular, Corporate Affairs & Stakeholders

Fundraising & Resource Mobilization

Communications & IT Support






Contact Information

Kenyan Canadian Association - KCA
Brampton | Toronto | Ottawa | Winnipeg | Calgary | Vancouver
Telephone: +1 888-448-6225
           | @kcacanada

National Head Office:
226 Bathurst St, Unit 250
Toronto ON M5T 2R9
Brampton Office:
18 Regan Rd, Unit 28
Brampton ON L7A 1C2

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