SBCCI Workshop

Kenyan Canadian Association core staff convened for a strategic planning workshop on March 29, 2024 facilitated by Dr. Jamila Aman.
The workshop aimed to re-evaluate the organization's identity and strategic direction. Through collaborative efforts and intensive brainstorming, KCA refined its vision, crafted a purpose-driven mission, and formulated a resonant objectives, laying the groundwork for its next phase in providing services and delivering programs to its beneficiaries.
The strategic planning workshop was facilitated through the support of SBCCI (Supporting Black Canadian Community Initiatives) Fund and the outcomes will serve as KCA guiding compass towards long-term success and sustainability. By redefining its vision, mission, and objectives, KCA established a cohesive framework that aligns its efforts and resources toward a unified goal. With clarity and purpose, KCA is now well equipped to confront challenges, seize opportunities, and adapt to evolving circumstances while remaining steadfast and committed to realizing its vision and mission.